Monday, April 21, 2008

No Surprise

So any of you who know me will not be surprised with this next bit of information. I left my cell phone on the boat! We were so careful packing I didn't do a second check of the cabin. Jason also left his BYU hat. Now, I don't know which of us misses our items most. Leaving a cell phone is devastating for most in my generation but worse for me because I just replaced that phone last month. Jason really loves his BYU hats. Hopefully they have found them and the phone/hat are in transit to Miami. We should have them back within 2 weeks.

The moral of the story is: Erica should have anything of value permanently attached to her. So, I've decided to get the cheapest phone possible as a safety net for the next time I loose/drown a phone. =) YAY for tax deductions!

1 comment:

Chad and Jessica said...

OH my goodness.....HUrrah hurrah! You have no idea how happy I am! I have honestly been thinking about you a lot lately (not in a weird way.....I know that's sounds , weird...but mostly because I've been building my library, and so many times I have wanted to ask you an opinion on a book etc and then that brings back old memories and on and on) and I have been wanting to call you (I probably have an old phone # anyway) and kept thinking that I didn't want to bother you. Anywho, it's looks like you're both doing great, traveling a lot and such. I would love to talk to you more, so email me your email, or something! 'twould be wonderful to have a little catch up! Meet you halfway! here is me
It's old, and really has no relevance to me whatsoever, but I keep it for convenience sake

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