Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

I hope you have a happy holiday! We are thinking of you, I promise. I thought this was the year for us to actually get Christmas cards out, and to have neighbor gifts delivered early. Well neither of those things are going to happen this year, so I'm Wishing you a MERRY CHRISTMAS here on my blog. I'm sorry it's impersonal but please forgive me. To our parents, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, cousins, friends and neighbors who keep up with us at NW family in UT, WE LOVE YOU, and may God "bless all the dear children in thy tender care." (Away in a Manger)


E and J

foster: First Week of Twins

140 Bottles
150 Diapers
35 Hours of missed sleep
140 Miles of driving to appointments
6 Trips to Walmart

Today the girls are 3 weeks old and very sweet.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

foster: OH MY GOSH!


craft: Christmas

I have been working on many projects in my free time and this is DONE and in the mail to some lucky family in Oregon. I thought all of you other Duck fans may want a sneak peak.

I made a double fleece blanket quilted with an Oregon O. It's far from perfect (and those who know me know how much that drives me nuts!) but it's fun and WARM!

I've also been working on these projects:
Key Chains
Etched Glass
Slip covering my front room chair

Thursday, December 10, 2009

new site: Heidi Claire

Have you seen Heidi Claire? I love the images she finds-SO INSPIRING! It makes me want to drop all my projects and start new decorating crafts, like a fabric headboard-(which is NEXT!).

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

foster: Memories

Our first year as foster parents is done. We're up for relicensing this month and busy prepping for our home inspection next week. This has been a really hard and AMAZING year. The last 4 months have made it to my top 3 hardest things I have ever experienced, and I am so glad that they are OVER and Jason and I can start to heal.

We’ve fostered 4 children over 8 months of this year. Some days, I feel sad and lonely that they're gone, and some days, I feel full and joyful for all I've experienced.

Today I was thinking of Lil G. He was learning so much and wanted to show me everything he was learning and doing. About 2 weeks before they left, we were playing outside. Lil G found something and sat down right next to me the back door steps. He’d sit on the very top step but his legs were too short to rest on the next step. As the rubber of his shoes struck the cement riser his little feet were projected forward in aultranating rhythm. He looked up at me and smiled. Then showed me whatever had sparked his interest. He jabbered about it for a minute then looked at me and said, "MaMa."

Lil G had called me MaMa for the majority of the 5 months we had them but this time, this time I knew he was going home soon, this time he broke of a piece of my heart and tucked in into his pocket with whatever trinket he'd found in the yard. I looked at his eyes and said "G, I'm not your MaMa, you have a MaMa who loves you very much." He just smiled and I cried.

Today I think about relicensing and I wonder, will we ever have another G and Lil G? I've been told we've had the best and the worst parents the department has seen in 10 years, and everyone I talk to tries to convince me that most cases lay somewhere in the middle. But I'm fearful of what will come next. Will I be strong enough to handle it? Am I strong enough to handle the behavior, the tantrums, the PARENTS, the insults, the commentary on our parenting, and the leaving? I’m not sure, but I think I'd like to try.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

foster: Update...for those of you who know what I'm talking about

We spent only a week at PCMC and then another 10 days at home. It was great being home. No more yucky hospital couch beds and clean clothes. But then there was the terrible fear of infection. Which was perpetuated by our friends experience here.

While home J or I or our Magic Helper had to be home with little boy. If Little Girl went out I was insistent that she wore a mask and used insane amounts of hand sanitizer. We were lucky our Magic Helper was here our first week home and allowed J and I to get out at least daily. Nothing like medical house arrest to make you think of all the things you would like to be doing. Little Girl still had appointments to get to and we had lots of help getting her there. THANK YOU! Wednesday we were told to go back to school! Whooo Hooo!!!!

We are so grateful for little boys quick recovery and hope he continues to heal quickly. We are also so grateful to J's employer for being so flexible with us during this crazy time.

Here's what we did with Little Boy to keep him down and happy (besides an obscene amount of TV):

File folder games
Play dough
Bed forts
Sock puppets
Face masks out of paper plates

What do you do with your little ones to keep them happy in bed?

Monday, October 05, 2009

craft: File Forder Fun

Update: I LOVE this site also for file folder games. Child Care Land is a great educational resource.

I've been inspired by the IDEA ROOM to make file folders games. I liked Mormon Chic's free games the best and have printed the Black and White copies to color during our 14 day "vacation" at:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

stressed with a capital S!

We are mighty stressed at our house these days. I really can't share ANYTHING but I will update when I do have info I can share. In the mean time I'll be MIA the next 4-6 weeks (not like I was really keeping up with the action!) unless something changes in our family situation. Something PLEASE, PLEASE, change!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

craft: Neck pillows

I wanted to buy this for little boy:
But both Targets were out. So I used this as inspiration and insturction. I made one for little boy AND one for little girl.

It cost me $14 for 2 but you more experianced Moms probably have everything at home already. For each I used:

1 recieving blanket
1 stuffed animal
1/4 of an old pillow
1 pair of sharp Sissors
Coridinating thread
Sewing Machine

The best part is, it was a FAST project. 1 hour for both.
With all our upcoming trips to the hospital these next couple of weeks I have a feeling we're going to use these A LOT.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Wow. Wow. Wow. #9 here and #12 here. Don't get freaked out Cougs!


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

project: Alternative Paint for Counters

Sooo If you don't like the look of mine but still what to do your counters I recently found this site. I think it may be a good option!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

project: Counters Done!

Ok sooo I DID IT! I refinished my counter tops (doesn't that sound better then "I painted my counter tops"?). Over all I am REALLY pleased. I mean it couldn't be worse then this? Right?

Here's the new and improved product.

I learned a lot and if I were doing it over again I would do several things differently. Here's my story.


1 roll Painters tape
1 roll Painter's paper
5 cans Black Metallic Spray Paint
1 can Black Metallic Spray Paint
2 Gallons EnviorTex Lite (40% off 1 item at Roberts so make 2 trips)
1 Propane Torch (for bubbles in EnviorTex).

My Process

1. I spent a lot of time researching the look I wanted. I always thought I wanted absolute black granite in my kitchen so when I was looking at faux finishing my counters that is the look I gravitated towards. I practiced with a number of spray paints on old pieces of cardboard until I made a decision.

2. I found that I'd have to special order the paint I wanted so I did that 10 days in advance. (Rustoleum Black Granite)

3. I really cleaned my counters. I used TSP and a scrub brush. Did you notice how nasty they were AFTER a good, hard cleaning? I took the time to fix some problems and Oh BOY am I glad I did. I had some large chips missing that that I filled in with drywall compound, and multiple cracks I caulked. Make sure you follow manufactures dry times.

4. Tape Tape Tape. Tape everything. If you use spray paint tape off your floors, your cabinets, your back splash, your entries into the room. I failed to do that last part and I found dust particles in the basement. EVERYTHING in my house needed a good cleaning. Do a good job taping because the EnviroTex is an oooie gooie mess and will seep through everything. Notice how I taped off the sink using a black garbage bag. I should have taken a picture before I started painting. =)

5. I painted 2 base coats of Rustoleum's Black Metallic paint. It's sparkles and is so pretty. I let my counters dry over night. I mentioned I would do some things over. I would have primed the counters with dark primer so I could use less spray paint. Not only would that have been cheaper it would have saved my finger a lot of pain.

6. Next spray lightly the Black Granite Stone paint. I held it up about 12 inches and just did little spurts. I only used half a can on my 15 linear feet of counters. (that was one expensive half can see here.) I let that dry for 4 hours.

7. My downfall, EnviroTex. It's a good product I am just inexperienced and impatient. I followed instructions and mixed well then I poured liberally onto my counters. Again following instructions I smoothed it out and let it self level. It works GREAT on flat surfaces. Unfortunately, I have a "back splash" built into my counters. Getting the EnviroTex to cover my back splash and my edges was not easy. A lot of it ended up on the floor and I had to use LOTS of rubbing alcohol and a dish scraper to get it up.

Also I didn't have enough EnviroTex and had to run to the store at the last minute. Not fun and my counter by the fridge is not pretty. (I'll sand and redo it later, much later.) I didn't use a knife to remove some tape and.... Notice the white spot on the counter.

8. As it's setting up make sure you use the torch to get out bubbles. NEVER leave the torch in one place for long. I'll get little "pot holes" or divots in you finish. So just keep it moving and on low flame.

Over all I'm pleased. and I would recommend you do it if you dislike your counters. The final total... $200. $130 of that is EnviroTex (3 gallons, including the one I'll use to fix my screw ups) and $35 is my 6 cans of special order paint (of which I only used 1/2 can).
Lean From My Mistakes
1. Make sure you have enough EnviroTex. Get 1 gallon more than you think you’ll use. ( you can always return it)
2. Take the tape off as soon as it gels enough to stop dripping.
3.Use a square painter’s sponge on the back splash. I didn’t and I wish I had.
4.Tape Tape Tape Tape. Tape off EVERYTHING well.

5.Wear rubber gloves and have a back up pair, or 2, if you have to take them off before you’re done (you know, bathroom, kids, going to the store for EnviroTex).
6.We used a Sheet on our floor. It has always been our drop cloth. Use something heavier. The EnvrioTex seeped right through it and attached to our floor.

7.Have Lots of rubbing alcohol available for drips on floors cabinets or sinks.

8.If you have a bathroom vanity, practice there first. I wish I had.
Good Luck and contact me if you have any questions!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

foster: Protocol

Update: I guess I was a little too angry when I wrote this. Nothing has happened but our information has been compromised. There will be changes coming, partly because someone, probably unknowingly, said some things they shouldn't have. It's not like we're super hard to find but....

As members of the community you are bound to know families who choose to make the sacrifice to foster children. Please, Please, Please, respect their privacy. Never give their full name or address to ANYONE no matter how well you think you know the person requesting information. And NEVER give their name and address to a parent of a child in their care. It puts the family and the children in their care at GREAT RISK. As a member of the community, a family member or friend you do not have full disclosures. You may be unaware of a biological parent's background, mental illness, drug history or a myriad of other pertinent information the State has used to assess the safety of the children in it's custody. Weather you think the removal is fair or not, right or not, or even legal does not give you the right to disclose the location of a foster family caring for children in State custody. The foster family did not make the decision to remove the children and will not make the decision to return children to their biological parents.

Can you tell I'm a little angry? =)

Craft ideas

crochet patterns-Really cute Crocheted hat patters for sale in her Etsey store

Car Seat Canopy Instructions- I'm working on this one today. Look for pictures!

Leg Warmers-As soon as I can make it to the store I'm making these with women's socks. I know some of you have already done this. I LOVE these girls in dresses and these puppies will make dresses possible more often.

Fabric Shoes- You kiddidng? I can't afford shoes for twins at $5.00 a pair. I'm hoping I make it around to these shoes before they go home.

Scarf -Love Love Love this scaf

I've been dying to make a drum shade for my bedroom. Here are some sites that will help me on my way.

Love these little face plates! Can't wait to do that!

Have you seen this? I can't wait to have a child to decorate for! Love the fabric on the walls!

Adore this alternative to wallpaper

Friday, August 21, 2009

craft: Picture Schedule

Alright. I figure it's time for some pictures. We are super busy with appointments. I mean crazy busy. SOooo, to give the kids a sence of control I wanted to do a picture schedule. I have done this with other kids using these black boards, but these kids are so scheduled I didn't want to be erasing it all the time. This is what I came up with.

I started with an Ikea magnet board and sanded it.

Using some spray paint I made it match my house.

Next came the hard part. Using clipart, I found images to match our life style. Things like Potty, wash hands, doctor, car seats, sleep, you get the idea.
I printed them on card stock, then protected the card stock with clear contact paper.

Next came the easiest part! 2 sided tape holds the magnents to the back of my cards. You can buy the rolls of magnets with tape already on them if you like but I wanted a stronger magnet.

Ikea also has littl magnetic boxes for like $3. They are perfect to hold all my cards in. Everything I need is in one easy place. Love It!

If you decided to do this project I'd love to know what some of you images are. I'm always in the market for new ideas!

foster: Questions Answered

I received an email from a good friend requesting more details regarding our new situation. I realized many of you may have the same questions. (Or maybe I just flatter myself.) So, Megan, I hope you don’t mind if I respond publicly to your email.

1. Did you have notice that G and Lil G would be going home or did it happen suddenly? Yes and No. The caseworker gave me a heads up about 2 weeks prior to the court date. DCFS can make recommendations but the Judge is the one who makes decisions. Once the Judge gave us the proverbial “green light” we had 1 weekend (Saturday, Sunday) to pack up and say goodbye. The transition from our home to their home was nightmarish but we survived.

2. How are you feeling?
Mostly sad about the G’s. I found one of Lil G’s socks between the washer and dryer. I cried. School started yesterday. I thought of G. I cried. But over all I’m really REALLY busy.

3. How quick was the transition?
Quick. I got a call mid morning Tuesday. (The Gs went home early Monday) I almost said NO. I had so many projects I was really excited about and I knew these kids would need extra effort. But, the more I talked to the caseworker the better I felt. I met them around lunch time on Wednesday and they were dropped off 2 hours later.

4. How has this experience been different so far?
This is a good question for a private conversation. I will say it has been different in almost every way, except diapers. Both kids fit into Lil G’s diapers.

5. How has this experience changed your life? ( I took this to mean Foster Care on a whole)
Oh boy. There’s the normal parent stuff. No more eating on the couch. No privacy, even showers are interrupted. It’s now normal for me to stand up after Sacrament Meeting and make sure no Cheerios are sticking to my backside.

Today I cleaned poop off the toilet, bathroom floor and out of the bathtub, as my first attempt to potty train 2 children simultaneously ended with, me throwing up (several times), and Alyssa coming to my rescue.

But also my love for my husband has increased. My trust in my Heavenly Father tried and strengthened. My capacity for Love, Kindness, PATIENCE, and Understanding has been enlarged. Things I thought I could never do I have done. Most of the time I come off conqueror, sometimes I come off conquered (refer to earlier poop incident). I must say I am SOOO lucky to be surrounded by so many resources and AMAZING people.

Update: most people wonder if we'll be able to stay in contact with the 2 Gs. The answer is- Maybe. it's up to Mom but we remain hopeful!

Monday, August 17, 2009

foster: Post

I loved this post from Another Small Adventure. I just thought this was so beautiful I had to share it.

"Many times I hear people say how they can't do foster care because they can't bear to let go. Letting go is hard....but the Lord is there to help you through it. You are not left empty or are filled with the knowledge that what you did was good and the Lord is happy with your service to HIS child. He will not let you suffer...He will bless you with a greater capacity to understand and to love. No loss goes unnoticed or uncounted.
There will come a day when you will reap the benefits of being counted among those who would love a child of God.

I share these things with you out of truly makes little things grow. My heart has grown through little things...little tiny people who needed someone....little moments that are only known between me, a special child and God...moments when I was mothering someone who really needed a mother. And then there are those little moments when the Lord has whispered to me that He is pleased with me and that I am loved. In those little moments my heart changed and will never be the same!
The great thing about this is that these little moments don't just happen to me...they can happen to you too.

Do You Have New Cheese?

Have you read this book? LOVE it! Quick read of about 1 hour and, it is a great book for work, family, social, well just about anything!

With a new family situation we are constantly refering to our "New Cheese" and in some cases still looking for it!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Did you know?

Did you know Toothpaste can get permanent marker out? Even out of the floor or TV? Yep, we now know that.

Friday, August 14, 2009


On hard days like today it's nice to remember this conversation with G.

E: Did you have a good visit with the caseworker?
G: Yes, she asked some hard questions.
E: She did?
G: Yeah, she asked what my favorite part about your house was.
E: oh yeah?
G: Yeah, I told her "I don't know"
E: Hmmm what about crafts? you like crafts. Or friends?
G: No, I know, my favorite part is YOU!

I miss those 2 little Gs.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

foster: Shout Out

I just wanted to give a shout out to Megan, Traci and Rachael for all their help. You probably don't think you have done a lot but these children came to us with very little. I was able to go to my basement and pick out 4 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, a set of PJ's and a blanket for each child. That, supplemented with what I was able to get before they came, makes a full week of clothes! Thank you for your donations! You 3 are AMAZING!

foster: Here We Go Again

I had some time to prepare myself for this one. I did a LOT of research and met the kids today. I did a LOT of shopping in advance so no late night scramble to Walmart. They'll be here in 30 minutes and I'm so excited!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

foster: New Kids

We got a call today... After talking to our Resource Family Consultant (RFC) and the case worker we decided to take on a new challenge. And this will be a challenge. Two children a boy almost 4 and girl almost 3. One of the children has some special needs. We're hoping to meet them tomorrow. We'll see!

Monday, August 10, 2009

foster: Home

Letting the children go was like breaking-up. Letting someone you love leave, for what you hope is a better life, is bitter, bitter sweet. (2 bitters because it’s more bitter then sweet.) I am so grateful for the relationships in my life that aren’t temporary. My relationship with my wonderful husband is eternal and everlasting through sacred covenants made in a Temple of God. The Lord teaches me the importance of this relationship so often. I am so grateful for the truth that Families are Forever.

Friday, August 07, 2009

foster: Going Home

Some of you may be wondering why I've been so hyped up on crafts this last week. Today we had court and the two G's will be leaving us Monday morning. I've been trying to prep myself for dealing with lots of free time. I noticed on days they had long overnight visits I would get down. I don't want to be that person! Soooooo, my coping strategy is to stay busy! Wish me luck!

Thursday, August 06, 2009


Does anyone else want to do their counters with me. I'm set on this black granite look from Rustoleum. The problem is I'd have to special order it. It comes in cases of 6 and my tiny kitchen will only need 1 or 2 cans. I'd love to split the cost with you if you wanna. We're coming to Oregon for Thanksgiving so don't let distance stop you!

Update: It's 7 something a can. For all six it'll be $42+.

To achieve this look I plan on the following:

1. Clean counters with TSP
2. 2 coats of KILZ primer
3. 2 coats of black paint
4. LIGHTLY spray spray paint on
5. After completely dry use 2 boxes of EnviroTex Lite to smooth and seal ($20 a 1/2 galon after 40% off at Roberts)
6. Use small propane torch to get rid of bubbles

Planning on not using my kitchen counters for 4 days.

I have the kilz and black paint from past projects. so for me to do this project it'll cost about $65 including 2 cans of spray paint. (I'm hoping to borrow the torch.)

craft: Necklaces

Love Love Love these Scrabble tile pendents. I made them for our Activity Days girls for about $10. I'll give them away for birthdays this next year. We will have 22 birthdays between now and next December. Can you say WOW!

They say Child of GOD. I wish I had better hand writing but this project is so easy.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

adventure: Timp Caves

We hiked to Timp Caves on Monday. It ... was... a blast. Wait let me catch my breath. It was harder then I remembered it being 7 years ago and 70 lbs lighter. Here are some pictures from our hike.

The caves are AWESOME and have lots of cool formations.

These were my faves. Can you see how they look like coral? The defy gravity to go every which way and I think that's cool!

Here's some tips if you want to go yourselves.

1. Go early
2. Don't being young children
3. Go early
4. Bring lots of water
5. Go early
6. Bring a light coat or sweat shirt, it's cool and damp inside the caves
7. Go early
8. Allow lots of time for the hike. We kinda scoffed at the 1.5 hours they give you to get up there. We used it.
9. Bring your camera
10. Bring a flashlight. there are lights in the cave and your guide will have a flash light. Having your own gives you a chance to explore nicks and crannies. It's way more fun.
11. Did I say go early? Be on the first hike. It's cooler and you are going to work up a sweat. Plus it's not crowded on the trail you can take your time and enjoy it.

I hope some of you go and share your pictures. I LOVED IT again!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

fun:JJ's Ceativity

JJ began designing his own blog. I'm sure he was going to wait for it to be finished and polished before he showed it to anyone, but I'm pretty proud of him for figuring out the code/html stuff.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

craft: Counters!

So I'm doing this. She also did it. This is where they learned how. I'm thinking I'll do it in the next 2 weeks. It can't turn out worse then I already have, can it? No. I'm totally inspired and I CAN do this. RIGHT?????

Saturday, August 01, 2009

craft: U CREATE

I'm back! I haven't been able to find time or the desire to craft but thanks to U Create I've got several projects in the works. Working on this skirt for G. And this bib holder for future placements. Can you say cute? Love these bracelets. Might even make them today!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

foster: Child Abuse

This was posted on KSL yesterday. It is this story about a 21 year old woman abusing her 7 year old daughter into a coma. The really sad part of the story is the child was in DCFS custody just 3 months ago.

How does something like this happen? How does this happen to a child the state has had their hands on? Whose fault is it? What can be done for this little girl? How can we stop it from happening to another child?

The answers are complex and have many facets to them. As I’ve mulled it over the last couple of days I don’t know that I have the answers. I felt a lot of ignorance and self righteousness portrayed in the comments associated with this article. AND THAT MADE ME ANGRY. The fault lies with the mother.

Who else may be feeling residual fault? The foster family that this child recently came from, they may be wondering if they could have said or done anything more to have prevented the child from leaving their home. The case worker who is over worked and underpaid. The therapist that thought the mother was ready. The judge who’s ultimate decision it was to send the 7 year old back home. Undoubtedly investigations will ensue to decide if any of these parties could or should have done more.

What can we do as tax payers, citizens and neighbors? Keep your eyes and ears open. Be aware and be willing to help. If you see a mother struggling, do something about it. Offer to be a safe place for her and her children. If you feel the child’s life is in danger contact DCFS and make them aware of a situation.

Also contact your legislature. Tell them that this is a problem. Tell them that the resent cut to the department is not going to prevent this from happening again. Tell them that social workers in Utah turn over EVERY 3 YEARS. Tell them that children in custody are important and deserve better from US. These children are not a liability. They are precious and important to our future. Look out for them, love them, and do something more to protect them.

YOU can make a difference in one child’s life if you stop making blanket judgments and start seeing individuals. Next time you see a troubled child do more than sequester your own children protectively behind you. Ask a loving Heavenly Father what you can do for that one child who needs more love, commitment, and understanding from us because he or she might not get it anywhere else.

Friday, July 10, 2009

I love SO You Think You Can Dance. This week's contemporary piece by Mia Michaels was powerful and moving.

Addiction can touch each of us. Its touch is not limited to the person and substance. Parents friends, children, drivers, can all be affected by one person's addiction. Many children are in the foster care system because of a parent's addiction. Their parents struggle to overcome and provide a better life for each child. I think this video posted on So Buttons gives such insight into the struggle many are encountering as they work to conquer their personal demons

Thursday, July 09, 2009


Many of you know that I've been completely involved in a huge project at work that ended up having the delivery date slip by over a month. It could be labeled as one of the biggest projects we've ever worked on and to top it off, our department of 2 was at half staff for a good portion of it. My cohort got hit with the swine flu, followed by a vacation. I had a couple sick days myself and barely managed to sneak away for the family reunion.

And even better, Mom and Dad were here for a good portion of that time and I ended up looking like a work-a-holic. I really missed being able to spend time with them and hope they'll come back soon when things aren't so crazy.

Last night, we decided to make the push and just get this project done. It took some effort but we got it out the door and running with minimal interruption and after a full day of monitoring, things seem to be going very smoothly. I can't tell you how glad we are to have it in production and to not be worrying how many other projects would have to slip because of it.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

fun: StarFall

Love Love Love this site for Pre-preschoolers. Lil G will hear the keys typing on the computer and ask for "R, R, R, R." If you have a toddler - 1st grader check it out!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

foster: Silence

I know that there has been a lot of silence on our blog. We've had a busy summer and I have lots of catching up to do- but that's not the reason I haven't posted. I haven't posted b/c I'm afraid of what will come out. There's been a lot of turmoil in my life lately- all centered around foster care.

We have been so blessed with this first placement. These children are sweet and everyone is working SOOOO hard to get them "home." Sometimes I just hurt for me. Sometimes I am just so frustrated. I'm not even old enough to have an 8 year old and here I am parenting an 8 year old who literally acts 12. All she wants in the world is to be home. And I'm here feeling like a high schooler who has been rejected to the big dance, all because G wants to be with her parent?! Come on E! At least 2x a day I say to myself "It's not about me." But there is a lot going on that is about me: my patience, my capacity, my frustration, my anger, my insecurity, my self image, my self worth.

Some days I feel hurt and rejected and some days I feel elated at the progress being made in their case. I ultimately want these children to go home. Why is that so hard to remember?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

project: ottoman

I finally finished the ottoman just after the kids came. It was super easy and for the price tag I love it! I finally found the fabric at Home Fabrics.

1. Frist I laid the fabric over the ottoman right side in towards the ottoman

2. I pinned out my seams. I didn't cut anything. I just pinned the fabric together so it hugged the ottoman closely. I ended up with triangles of excess fabric emanating form the ottoman like spokes. No measuring.

3. Using the sewing machine I sewed along my seams

4. Now you cut out the extra fabric so it has a nice smooth appearance.

5. Using a staple gun, staple to the underside frame working one staple at a time. Alternate sides of the ottoman with each staple. If it was a compass you'd go North then south east then west rotate and repeat.

Here's our finished product.

It's not perfect. It has a little bit of an octogon shape on the top where the seams show. If I were a better seamstress I'd have done a better job on that part. Total project cost, including the ottoman and fabric was under $100.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I'd like to apologize for the guilt my last post has provided some of you. It was not my intent to make my readers feel guilty. I actually admire and aspire to be like most of you (ok don't read anything into the "most" I really mean ALL of you).

I thought I'd take a minute and play catch up.

Both G and Lil G had birthday's last month. G had a Tinkerbell party at Jump On IT! and it was a blast. We made Tu-Tu's for the girls and they all looked super cute. (plus it was an easy way for me to do a spot count-1 TuTu, 2Tu Tu ...8 Tu Tu whooo we've got everyone) I've got some cute headless pictures on J's phone that I can't wait to post.

Lil G had cupcakes and friends in the park and was pleased as pie with the gifts he got. Especially the books from Grandma and Grandpa.

We've been busy just keeping up with our new schedules. Visits, meetings, doctors, and court dates. It's quite busy and doesn't leave much time for us to be sick. I had the stomach flu or food poisoning yesterday and J is getting sick tonight a fever, and aches. We're actually hoping for the stomach flu and not the S word (you know swine flu SHHHHHH!!!!!). We're keeping him isolated just in case.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

foster: To Parents

Your children LOVE you. They love you even though you have weaknesses. All they want is to feel wanted, loved and needed by you. No matter what you do they will love you. Young children who have been abandoned, neglected, and abused love their parents, want to protect their parents, and just want to be with their parents. So parents become a permanent fixture in your child’s life. Make sure they know you will be there tomorrow. Do what you can do to insure that you will be. Cut out those things in your life that may prevent you from being there- things that may take you away from your children, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Take a minute and spend some time with your children, laughing, talking, playing. One day they will wake up and you will be gone. Leave some memories for them to hang onto. Love your children.

food: Easy Recipes

So I hear it's been a while since my last post. =) I'm waiting for some pictures so I can post about G's B-day. In the mean time, I've found these quickish and EASY recipes from

Check out this Easy Chicken Alfredo. We used whole wheat pasta and fat free milk products to make this more figure friendly.

Check out this Chicken Florentine Rice Casserole. We used brown rice (not instant) and precooked it before adding it to the casserole.

Both recipes are yummy and lend themselves well to substitution. Oh and did I mention that G and Lil G both ate it!

So FYI: Both these recipes called for cottage cheese. I think fat free cottage cheese is GROSS! But the Kroger brand at Smith's is YUMMMY. If you have a Smith's check out the fat free cottage cheese! Why not cut the calories and the fat if you don't have to cut taste!

Oh and Whitmer Family-Don't even bother looking you won't eat it! =)

Monday, May 11, 2009

family: Moms

Happy Mothers Day to my WONDERFUL MOM. I strive to be more like her every day. She is my ultimate example of the kind of Mom I want to be, kind, patient, generous, with "1st things 1st," as my Stake President may say. Mom I hope you had a wonderful Mothers day!

Happy Mothers Day to my WONDERFUL Mother-in-law. What a great example of strength, love, and unity. I am grateful for her advise, urging, and encouragement that helps me be a better person. I am SOOOO grateful for the example she has set for her children. J is just the most thoughtful, loyal man and I owe it all to his wonderful MOM.

And finally Happy Mothers Day to our dear sisters and sister-in-laws. I'm learning from each of you all the time. I'll often think on memories of your children to help me gage these children. And I mean it-I'm thinking of each of you! Thank you for being great Mom's to your children and setting an example to the world of family.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

foster: Lil G and His Nails

Today I was taking care of some Real Estate business first thing. I go to my room keeping an ear out for Lil G. I come out, and sitting in the middle of our hallway is Lil G with his sister's lip gloss- pretty, pink, sparkly lip gloss. What comes next? He has it all over his face, right? Nope! He has taken the wand and is "painting" his toe nails with the pretty, pink, sparkly, sticky, lip gloss. He wants to be just like his big sister, whatever she does he does too, including painting his nails!

Sorry about the bad cell phone picture. I can't seem to ever have batteries in my camera!

Saturday, May 02, 2009

foster: Settling In

It's been an adjustment doubling our family overnight. But now we've settled in, gotten to know each other better, and have a routine. I've found there are some key things that keep me sane.

#1 Date Night. I need a night off at least every other week if not every week. It's easy to get burnt out doing Foster Care and taking a break is important. It makes me a better, more patient Mom.

#2 Five Minutes: Every night, just before scriptures and prayer, we set the timer for 5 minutes. Everyone chooses a room and races the clock to get that room clean. It's fun and it has relieved sooooo much stress. I can go to bed with a tidy house and wake up with one.

#3 Individual Quality Time with Each Family Member: Including J. Crafts and projects have been a big help with the kids. And after the kids are in bed J and I can talk. I have a lot to say. It's helpful for me to talk (and re-talk) through the day. ;)

Friday, May 01, 2009

My husband's gone tonight and I can never sleep well when he's not here. So, after feeding, bathing and putting 2 sick children to bed (2.5 hours ago) I'm STILL up. I'm tired and I've tried everything to shut my mind off and get some sleep before my 6 AM wake-up call named Lil G comes back to life. Maybe I'll start over with eating more cookies ;), watching Disney Channel movies, and playing games on my phone. Wish me LUCK!

food: Cookies!

Today's project was Chocolate Chip Cookies (whole wheat of course!) Check out the fruits of our labors!

Culinary Tip: Cream the fat (butter) with the sugar eggs and vanilla for a significant amount of time (at least 5 but can up to 15 minutes) before adding the dry ingredients. Creaming the fats and sugars together give the sugar time to dissolve and distribute evenly. Allowing the sugar to dissolve adds moisture to your cookies and the cookies will brown evenly in the oven. It makes the prefect balance of softness and crunch! We like SOFT cookies.

Also, add your dry ingredients at the very end of mixing. Being careful not to over mix at this stage will prevent your cookies from developing too much gluten. Too much gluten results in gummy cookies.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

craft: Volcano

Who remembers this oldie but goodie? Salt Dough!

1 Cups Salt
2 Cups Flour
1 Cup Water
Combine salt and flour then add water SLOWLY until you have stiff dough. To color dough, add food coloring to the water before mixing. Create then bake at 325 for 2 hours to make your form permanent. If you desire, color your creation after it has baked then coat with a layer of lacquer.

We made a VOLCANO! Look at it EXPLODE! (Baking soda and vinegar. We added a little red food coloring to the vinegar to get read "lava")

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

craft: Masks

Love these masks. Simple as pie! I was hoping to get a picture of us all in our cute Goldilocks and the 3 Bears masks but Lil G wouldn't keep his on =(. Here's how we did it:


Paper Plates
Hole Punch
Construction paper
String or elastic
Easter basket filling or gift bag raffia or yarn, for hair

Cut out 2 eye circles in a paper plate.
Decorate silly, sad, happy, or mad.
Punch a small hole on each side of the face, close to the edge, just higher than the eyes.
Tie a piece of string from one hole to the next for a strap to keep your mask on.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

"Remember Lot's Wife"

Our family is sick today-each with something different. As J lies in bed trying to survive, I took the children out to our living room and provided activities for both. I settled in with a blanket and started my Sunday with a BYU Devotional. BYUTV was broadcasting “Remember Lot’s Wife” by Elder Holland. At the end of his devotional he recounted a personal story in which he compared himself to Lot’s wife. In essence his young self said, "Let's go back, let’s give up, let’s go home." Isn't that what Lot's wife did? Longed for Home although there was a better place prepared for them? Elder Holland explained, “What was wrong with Lot’s wife is that she wasn't just looking back, but that in her heart she wanted to go back....[Lot’s wife] doubted the Lord’s ability to give her something better than she had.” In contrast, "faith builds on the past but never longs to stay there. Faith trusts that God has great things in store for each of us and that Christ is the 'high priest of good things to come.'" How grateful I am to live in this place. This GREAT place where there are so many opportunities, so many good gifts, and so many great examples. I will always long for family but I am going to start longing for my future here, with my husband, friends and opportunities for growth.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Some of you may notice that I have added a few adoption links on my blog. I love, love, love, reading these amazing women's stories. If you'd like to check them out click here and here.

foster: Loving Children

I LOVE this quote from "Unable to Have Children" by Areth G. Kapp: "You do not need to possess children to love them. Loving is not synonymous with possessing, and possessing is not necessarily loving. The world is filled with people to be loved, guided, taught, lifted and inspired." We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father. I hope that we can find room in our lives to make Heavenly Father's Children feel "loved, guided, taught, lifted [or] inspired."

fun: Discovery Gateway

Monday of Spring Break we went the the Children's Museum in SLC. It was so fun! We spent about 3 hours there but the kids could have stayed ALL day! The downstairs has a lot of imagination play: A store, a house, a farm, a construction site, a model of the water system. This is by far what both kids liked the most. We spent the most time down there. Lil G was able to play and I could keep an eye on G. It was soooo CROWDED, mainly because there were at least 3 school groups there with us. OI! By the time we made it upstairs to the Media section, so had 2 school groups. It was too crowded for G to get to do much but we did have fun making animated movies! Next time I'm bringing a MOM friend with me. Oh, and I'll go during summer when, hopefully, there won't be many school groups!

trip: Moab

Last week was SPRING BREAK! What a blast. We did so many fun things but G's FAVORITE was CAMPING! Our friends invited us to stay in camp ground with cabins and a SWIMMING pool. It was a little cold and windy and miserable (for the Adults) the first few days. Luckily, Saturday warmed up and G was so excited to swim. We will have to get a pool pass this summer.

Because this was my first time camping with kids I thought I'd opt for one of the $40 cabins. These cabins were PERFECT! They had 2 full beds and heat. G had a blast with campfire cooking. She was so excited to roast a hotdog over the camp fire. And of course she loved the SMORES' and hot chocolate! Lil G did great learning about fire. He was so careful around the fire by the time we left. He loved being "ou-side" all day!

We had a chance to visit Arches NP. We are so lucky to live here in Utah with so many beautiful things to see and so many opportunities for children. Here are some pictures of the arches we saw. We all can't wait to go back and visit again!

While hiking in Arches we saw these cool Ute Indian drawings!

G was so excited to tell all she knew about rocks. I regret not preparing to do some teaching while there. You learn so much more when learning corresponds with seeing or doing. Oh well, next time!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

foster: Keep or Not to Keep

I had a friend tell me the other day that she hopes we get to adopt the kids. I had an opportunity to share with her my feelings on the foster care program in Utah. Utah's foster program is geared toward reunification with the family. I whole heartily support that goal. As long as the family situation is safe, children should go home. I believe that no one can parent a child as well as that child's parent (again as long as it is SAFE). There are some people who abuse their children and parental rights are frequently terminated. There are some parents who just make some choices and are unable to give the children proper care. Those children need a safe environment while Mom or Dad or both get the help they need. This doesn't mean Mom and Dad shouldn't be parents. It means they have a problem that they need to solve before they can be good parents. I sincerely hope that G and Lil G get to go home to a safe environment.

The last few weeks Lil G has been calling everyone MaMa. Me, J, G our neighbors we spend a lot of time with, anyone he thinks is cool or special gets called MaMa. I think it's funny. We'd like to teach him MaMa E- for me, and sister for G. That way it isn't confusing when he goes home. J is trying to get him to say DaDa J. He'll call J "JJ" sometimes but not consistently. Pretty Cute!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I hope that amid all our fun Easter activities the children have not forgotten that we have a wonderful gift from our Heavenly Father. He sent His Son to earth to show us how to live. Christ died and was Resurrected so that we may live again. I hope you have a wonderful Easter filled with Love, Family, and the Spirit of Truth!.

craft: Easter Cards

We made these cute Easter cards yesterday. G had a blast giving them out to her friends today at church. Let's Explore gave us this great idea with the Origami Bunnies. I really like G's "fancy" one she made for her Grandma!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


J turned 31 today. Happy B-Day Honey.
Here's his special Birthday Easter cake. The frosting between the layers is every pastel imaginable. I was lucky enough to have leftover frosting from cookies last week!

He spent his Birthday with the 4 Runner. Here's the story:

Thursday I get up and get the kids ready. It's the last day of tutoring so I wanted to leave the house early and go get the girl I tutor a book. It 's raining/snowing and I step in this HUGE puddle that gathers on our walk way. Great. I get in the car turn the key and NOTHING happens. Again. Nothing happens. Great. I call J and tell him we've got a broken car. He comes home from work and gives me a jump and thankfully that works. I get to Wally world in a HUGE hurry now because I have 20 minutes to pick a book, drop Little G off and get to the school. Out of the car I go and SPLASH right into another puddle! What is my DEAL! I finally decided on getting a FANCY NANCY book. This ones a cute book about girls exploring. It's got some words that my pupil won't be able to read on her own but I decide to get it anyway. Thankfully the car starts and off we go.

The next day I get in the car to pick up G. I'm running a little late because I didn't want to wake Little G. I turn the key and NOTHING. Great. I call J and he comes and gives me a jump. We go get G 10 MINUTES late and she's standing on the sidewalk all by herself with RED eyes. Great.

We decided something was wrong with the 4 Runner. We call our mechanic for a diagnosis-hoping for a battery and not an alternator. This morning he's able to come and whooooo, it's the battery. A new battery and we're as good as new right? Yeah that's what I thought.

I've procrastinated planning Easter Dinner so I knew I needed to go to the grocery store for a few more things. I hope in the car with Little G and off we go. SLOWLY. I had to gun it to get out of the driveway. Great. We call back out mechanic and he comes over, drives it, and pronounces a diagnosis. A new fuel filter. What are the odds that both of these things go wrong on the same day?

I feel so lucky to have such great friends in S and A. They are always willing to help us out. Thanks S for spending your day fixing our 4 Runner!

Friday, April 10, 2009

fun: Easter Eggs!

Today we spent some time with an elderly woman in our ward decorating Easter Eggs! It was so fun to see the many creations G came up with. i don't think many eggs will make it all the way to Easter. Little G and G have been chomping on them all day!

foster: Pictures

Some of you may be wondering why you haven't seen pictures of adorable Little G and G. I've been taking pictures but I feel like it is an invasion of their privacy to place their pictures on our blog on the WWW. We'll try to get pictures of all the fun stuff we're doing this week though! We are soooooo excited for spring break!

upgrades: Last Year...

"J" (really E) got a new dishwasher and microwave for his birthday. This year...

A french door bottom freezer FRIDGE! We got it for a STEAL off KSL. I wont tell you how much, but I will say, it cost about the same as a new, small, SS, top freezer refrigerator. You know those ones nobody wants anymore-the ones that you only see in apartments. Plus it's the $2400 (ON SALE) model I wanted! It's got some minor scratching on it but once the critical eye is gone it doesn't matter! I'm so excited! No more towels on the floor to sop up water from the fridge!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

craft: Easter Eggs

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these dyed eggs on Our Best Bites. We are definatly doing this this year. Can anyone say DI for Ties! If you decide to do these beautifull eggs in your house I'd love to see how they turned out!

Monday, April 06, 2009

foster: Random Mom Moments

I'm sure most of you LDS parents know this-watching 4 sessions of General Conference in your living room with 2 children is HARD! Plus trying to explain what is going on and why we are listening so closely is tough when a child has limited knowledge of the Gospel. I basically gave up the first half of the Sunday afternoon session. After 3, 2 hour sessions the kids were DONE. I was DONE. After being the regulator, clown, jungle gym, and vending machine, I let J watch with the kids while I took a shower.

Sometimes I get a little crazy being mom. Everyone wants my attention all the time! Not to mention my house is a complete MESS all the time. I confess I am not a GREAT housekeeper. I like my house to be clean but it isn't always tidy. Now I have no hope of clean-I'm just going for tidy! It looks like a bomb has gone off in EVERY room. Bath toys and towels are on the bathroom floor. Snacks, trains, blankets, pillows and cards all have a place on my living room floor. The kitchen sink is overflowing with the effects of 3 meals a day. (Anyone who knows us will know that this is not unusual, but it's worse and also includes the counters and the floor!) I'm exhausted and say, at least once a day, "I don't know what I was thinking!?" J is a big help with the children but the house cleaning (and recleaning) has fallen to me. I feel like one of those Russian dolls. You know the ones with out legs. You push them over and they just bounce right back. I will clean up the house, vacuum, unload and load the dishwasher, start a load of laundry. Next thing I know the chores have magically bounced right back like I haven't done anything at all! Isn't this the definition of INSANITY? Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result?

At least the children are happy and healthy. Little G is starting to put two words together- usually it's accompanied by sign language. I've been teaching him the basics. "more" "eat" "milk" "please" "up" "help". It seems to be helping his verbal vocabulary as well.

I'm still struggling to get G to put things away. She is obedient but she will often put me off to finish a show she's seen a MILLION times. We've set limits on the TV but she's always asking for MORE. I'm hoping that the sunshine these next couple of days will help us watch less! We are reading library books together and like I said in earlier posts we try to do a project every day. She is a fun girl. She's smart and creative. She is very attentive to her brother and helps him do big kid stuff.

In short, I want to know who would ever think that being a MOM isn't a full time job! From sun up to sun down you are on call. I’m working harder and am busier then I have ever been in my life and am daily finding room for improvement!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

fun: General Conference

I knew G would have a hard time finding LDS General Conference fun and exciting. Trying to find something she could do AND listen to conference led me to the Internet. I was hoping to do a bingo game but I hadn't thought of one as cool as this. This game coupled with some Easter candy and we are in business! She has to listen closely to the speakers and hear the exact words. We've been using double sided tape to stick the pieces to the boards. That way little G's fingers don't mess G up. Every time she gets a bingo she gets a piece of candy. If she gets a blackout on the same board then she gets 4 pieces. (I know it's a lot of candy but she's listening and having fun.) Take a look at the cool boards!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

craft: Place Mats

I've been trying to connect with G, so everyday after school I try and have a project. Last week we made Table Setting Place Mats. Sooo cute and easy. We found a formal dinner setting online. This one works great because it gives you lots of options. We used a medium piece of poster board for our base. Use your dishes to make templates. Cut and paste into the proper place and DECORATE! Cover with clear contact paper (At the store it's found with the contact paper you'd put on your shelves, NOT in the craft section). Voila! You've got a place mat that teaches manners!

Today's project comes from Flipflops and Applesauce. Check out these parachuting bears!
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