Monday, October 26, 2009

foster: Update...for those of you who know what I'm talking about

We spent only a week at PCMC and then another 10 days at home. It was great being home. No more yucky hospital couch beds and clean clothes. But then there was the terrible fear of infection. Which was perpetuated by our friends experience here.

While home J or I or our Magic Helper had to be home with little boy. If Little Girl went out I was insistent that she wore a mask and used insane amounts of hand sanitizer. We were lucky our Magic Helper was here our first week home and allowed J and I to get out at least daily. Nothing like medical house arrest to make you think of all the things you would like to be doing. Little Girl still had appointments to get to and we had lots of help getting her there. THANK YOU! Wednesday we were told to go back to school! Whooo Hooo!!!!

We are so grateful for little boys quick recovery and hope he continues to heal quickly. We are also so grateful to J's employer for being so flexible with us during this crazy time.

Here's what we did with Little Boy to keep him down and happy (besides an obscene amount of TV):

File folder games
Play dough
Bed forts
Sock puppets
Face masks out of paper plates

What do you do with your little ones to keep them happy in bed?

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