Friday, July 10, 2009

I love SO You Think You Can Dance. This week's contemporary piece by Mia Michaels was powerful and moving.

Addiction can touch each of us. Its touch is not limited to the person and substance. Parents friends, children, drivers, can all be affected by one person's addiction. Many children are in the foster care system because of a parent's addiction. Their parents struggle to overcome and provide a better life for each child. I think this video posted on So Buttons gives such insight into the struggle many are encountering as they work to conquer their personal demons



Erica, unfortunately you are one of the ones that I always mean to come back and comment on! Sorry! I will try to be better. :)

So last summer was the first season I watched SYTYCD and I got really into it. I have only watched a partial episode this season... just too busy to get very involved. I keep meaning to watch every week and then forget to set it up to record on the DVR. I'll have to look into that Mia Michaels number, though. I usually like her stuff. Her and Napoleon/Tabitha are my favorite choreographers.

Lisa said...

hey guys! so fun to go out with you the other night. Erik wants to plan a BBQ or something. I too love SYTYCD and Mia Michels. She's awesome!

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