Thursday, May 13, 2010

foster: Countdown

For those of you wondering what's going on with foster care and our family-WE'RE ON HOLD. And holding stinks. We are 59 days through the twins 90 day trial home placement. 1 more month and and we can be active on the list again. In the mean time we've done some respite (over-night baby sitting for other foster families). It was great to see Little Boy and Little Girl for 3 days last month. Although we were happy when they went back to their foster (soon to be forever) family. We're taking a 6 year old and 8 year old tomorrow night and a 2 year old and 4 year old next weekend for 3 nights. That's the update! 31 days until we can have another placement.

Oh and the caseworker did help me find the addresses I needed. It took just 3 business days.
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