Monday, May 11, 2009

family: Moms

Happy Mothers Day to my WONDERFUL MOM. I strive to be more like her every day. She is my ultimate example of the kind of Mom I want to be, kind, patient, generous, with "1st things 1st," as my Stake President may say. Mom I hope you had a wonderful Mothers day!

Happy Mothers Day to my WONDERFUL Mother-in-law. What a great example of strength, love, and unity. I am grateful for her advise, urging, and encouragement that helps me be a better person. I am SOOOO grateful for the example she has set for her children. J is just the most thoughtful, loyal man and I owe it all to his wonderful MOM.

And finally Happy Mothers Day to our dear sisters and sister-in-laws. I'm learning from each of you all the time. I'll often think on memories of your children to help me gage these children. And I mean it-I'm thinking of each of you! Thank you for being great Mom's to your children and setting an example to the world of family.

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