Saturday, May 02, 2009

foster: Settling In

It's been an adjustment doubling our family overnight. But now we've settled in, gotten to know each other better, and have a routine. I've found there are some key things that keep me sane.

#1 Date Night. I need a night off at least every other week if not every week. It's easy to get burnt out doing Foster Care and taking a break is important. It makes me a better, more patient Mom.

#2 Five Minutes: Every night, just before scriptures and prayer, we set the timer for 5 minutes. Everyone chooses a room and races the clock to get that room clean. It's fun and it has relieved sooooo much stress. I can go to bed with a tidy house and wake up with one.

#3 Individual Quality Time with Each Family Member: Including J. Crafts and projects have been a big help with the kids. And after the kids are in bed J and I can talk. I have a lot to say. It's helpful for me to talk (and re-talk) through the day. ;)


The Simmons Bunch said...

Erica! I was so excited when I read your comment on my blog! It's been way to long! It looks like your loving life! Congrats on the two new foster kids! Keep in touch!

DKSBrayton said...

So true! Now that our house is getting settled I think we can start doing cleaning up at night and I love the 5 mintue idea! Thanks!!

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