Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I love Primary

We have a WONDERFUL Primary Presidency. One of the councilors was presenting Sharing Time. She showed a picture of Adam and Eve.

Sister L: Who is this?
Child 1: The first Mommy and Daddy!
Sister L: That's right. Where are they?
Child2: The Garden
Sister L: Uh hu. How did they get there?
Child3: In a car!

LOL! I am so LUCKY to serve in the primary! There are so many wonderful brothers and sisters who serve as teachers and the presidency is so INSPIRING.

Our Jr. Primary is so large that we have to split the class in each age group. This year I have 5 children in my CTR5 class regularly. The jump from 4 children to 5(sometimes 6) children is a big one for me. All of the sudden I can't be within arms reach of all the children all the time. I'll be at one end coaxing a child out of a fit, while at the other end, a child in a suit is licking his chair, a cute blond is wearing her coat on her head, and a sweet girl in a yellow dress is showing her pink and purple underwear. AHHH! I had to step back and remember that these are not my highly trained 5 year olds of last year. A new class of 4 year olds takes some PATIENCE! Needless to say I didn't handle it wll and it forced some introspection of what my role in primary is. It's not about having the best behaved class under 7 years old, or being named teacher of the year. It's about the children being in an environment where they feel LOVED, ACCEPTED and CHERISHED, the way Heavenly Father loves, accepts and cherishes each one of them. As I think, ponder and PRAY about this class more than any other class to this point, I find that I am given what I need when it's needed. How GRATEFUL I am for this new experience and what it's teaching me about callings, teaching, and most of all answers to prayers!


Meg said...

Those kids are so lucky to have you. You are amazing.

Chad and Jessica said...

How fun and crazy all at once! That's definitely how I feel about Primary. It's so fun, but so...rambunctious. I'm always paranoid about letting them have too much fun in singing time....I try to balance it with spiritual things too....but sunbeams just want to jump and spin and show their undies....like you said....lol. The way you described their habits was so funny....licking a chair? LOL. Well, like Meg said, they are VERY LUCKY to have you. Keep up the great work!

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