Sunday, April 19, 2009

foster: Keep or Not to Keep

I had a friend tell me the other day that she hopes we get to adopt the kids. I had an opportunity to share with her my feelings on the foster care program in Utah. Utah's foster program is geared toward reunification with the family. I whole heartily support that goal. As long as the family situation is safe, children should go home. I believe that no one can parent a child as well as that child's parent (again as long as it is SAFE). There are some people who abuse their children and parental rights are frequently terminated. There are some parents who just make some choices and are unable to give the children proper care. Those children need a safe environment while Mom or Dad or both get the help they need. This doesn't mean Mom and Dad shouldn't be parents. It means they have a problem that they need to solve before they can be good parents. I sincerely hope that G and Lil G get to go home to a safe environment.

The last few weeks Lil G has been calling everyone MaMa. Me, J, G our neighbors we spend a lot of time with, anyone he thinks is cool or special gets called MaMa. I think it's funny. We'd like to teach him MaMa E- for me, and sister for G. That way it isn't confusing when he goes home. J is trying to get him to say DaDa J. He'll call J "JJ" sometimes but not consistently. Pretty Cute!


Tiffany said...

I totally agree with you about the family situations. But at the same time, I wouldn't want to be the one deciding who just needed time to fix their mistakes, and who was a danger to their child. I guess sometimes it's clear cut, but I think a lot of the time it's a very large gray area.

And Averi, at 2.5, still does the same thing as Lil G. Every adult male is dad, and every adult female is mom. Women seem to understand, but for some reason it seems to make men uncomfortable :)

Jacob said...

Yeah, we've had the same thing said to us. It's kind of weird as we hope the kids go home for the kids' sake. Another interesting one is someone saying the kids are so cute or good looking. What do I say to that...uh, thanks?

Sepulveda Family said...

We just finished transitioning our little guy back to his mom who is currently in a treatment facility that allows young children to be there with them. It was great to see him have the opportunity to be back with his mom, and in an environment that will be able to offer her support and help her build her parenting skills. We have, however, had the opportunity to adopt one of our foster children. It was an amazing experience taking her to the temple to be sealed to our family this last Sept. My take on fostering is that the Lord has a plan for each and every little one that comes into our lives. You and your husband are doing great things!

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