Monday, April 06, 2009

foster: Random Mom Moments

I'm sure most of you LDS parents know this-watching 4 sessions of General Conference in your living room with 2 children is HARD! Plus trying to explain what is going on and why we are listening so closely is tough when a child has limited knowledge of the Gospel. I basically gave up the first half of the Sunday afternoon session. After 3, 2 hour sessions the kids were DONE. I was DONE. After being the regulator, clown, jungle gym, and vending machine, I let J watch with the kids while I took a shower.

Sometimes I get a little crazy being mom. Everyone wants my attention all the time! Not to mention my house is a complete MESS all the time. I confess I am not a GREAT housekeeper. I like my house to be clean but it isn't always tidy. Now I have no hope of clean-I'm just going for tidy! It looks like a bomb has gone off in EVERY room. Bath toys and towels are on the bathroom floor. Snacks, trains, blankets, pillows and cards all have a place on my living room floor. The kitchen sink is overflowing with the effects of 3 meals a day. (Anyone who knows us will know that this is not unusual, but it's worse and also includes the counters and the floor!) I'm exhausted and say, at least once a day, "I don't know what I was thinking!?" J is a big help with the children but the house cleaning (and recleaning) has fallen to me. I feel like one of those Russian dolls. You know the ones with out legs. You push them over and they just bounce right back. I will clean up the house, vacuum, unload and load the dishwasher, start a load of laundry. Next thing I know the chores have magically bounced right back like I haven't done anything at all! Isn't this the definition of INSANITY? Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result?

At least the children are happy and healthy. Little G is starting to put two words together- usually it's accompanied by sign language. I've been teaching him the basics. "more" "eat" "milk" "please" "up" "help". It seems to be helping his verbal vocabulary as well.

I'm still struggling to get G to put things away. She is obedient but she will often put me off to finish a show she's seen a MILLION times. We've set limits on the TV but she's always asking for MORE. I'm hoping that the sunshine these next couple of days will help us watch less! We are reading library books together and like I said in earlier posts we try to do a project every day. She is a fun girl. She's smart and creative. She is very attentive to her brother and helps him do big kid stuff.

In short, I want to know who would ever think that being a MOM isn't a full time job! From sun up to sun down you are on call. I’m working harder and am busier then I have ever been in my life and am daily finding room for improvement!



Congrats! You are officially a mom. Welcome to the hardest and most rewarding job ever! :) We have all 'been there, done that' and I'm sure you are doing great!

Whitmer Family said...

Don't be too hard on yourself, all that matters at the end of the day is that g and little g are happy and healthy. The dishes and laundry will always be there, believe me, I've tried every tactic imaginable to make it all go away! You are doing great, and remember the rest of us got one kid at a time, you've been totally thrown into the thick of it all, and I think you are amazing for being willing to do it! You are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Dawn... I was thinking about you just the other day and pondering on how it would be to all of a sudden have 2 children that you haven't been able to raise from infancy and how overwhelming that must be. I can't even imagine that. Especially since you were the only one in your house besides your mom. I would say considering the obstacles you are doing amazingly well! You were always a pillar of strength to those around you and I am sure that you are doing more good than you know. I just love you!!! If there's anything I can ever help you with, please let me know! I'll be there in a flash.

Chad and Jessica said...

Wow, I'm impressed that you even attempted to make it through 4 sessions of conference. We only had to go to one, and it was the slowest 2 hours ever! I remember sitting in the Stake Center gym, looking back at the clock every 5 minutes. Super impressive! what a great example and righteous WOW-man! I loved you're comparison with the Russian You are doing such a great job! Encouraging reading, doing activities, building relationships...don't sweat it.

Meg said...


DKSBrayton said...

The kids MUST be happy if your house is a mess. That means you are playing, not cleaning...exactly what's best!

Gifford Grams said...

Put an empty clothes basket in every room. At the end of an hour, everything, including pillows toys and cloths go into the basket. At the end of the day, the baskets get emptied. That way you arent constantly running from room to room a million times a day to put things away....too exhausting. You are doing a great job!

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