Saturday, April 11, 2009


J turned 31 today. Happy B-Day Honey.
Here's his special Birthday Easter cake. The frosting between the layers is every pastel imaginable. I was lucky enough to have leftover frosting from cookies last week!

He spent his Birthday with the 4 Runner. Here's the story:

Thursday I get up and get the kids ready. It's the last day of tutoring so I wanted to leave the house early and go get the girl I tutor a book. It 's raining/snowing and I step in this HUGE puddle that gathers on our walk way. Great. I get in the car turn the key and NOTHING happens. Again. Nothing happens. Great. I call J and tell him we've got a broken car. He comes home from work and gives me a jump and thankfully that works. I get to Wally world in a HUGE hurry now because I have 20 minutes to pick a book, drop Little G off and get to the school. Out of the car I go and SPLASH right into another puddle! What is my DEAL! I finally decided on getting a FANCY NANCY book. This ones a cute book about girls exploring. It's got some words that my pupil won't be able to read on her own but I decide to get it anyway. Thankfully the car starts and off we go.

The next day I get in the car to pick up G. I'm running a little late because I didn't want to wake Little G. I turn the key and NOTHING. Great. I call J and he comes and gives me a jump. We go get G 10 MINUTES late and she's standing on the sidewalk all by herself with RED eyes. Great.

We decided something was wrong with the 4 Runner. We call our mechanic for a diagnosis-hoping for a battery and not an alternator. This morning he's able to come and whooooo, it's the battery. A new battery and we're as good as new right? Yeah that's what I thought.

I've procrastinated planning Easter Dinner so I knew I needed to go to the grocery store for a few more things. I hope in the car with Little G and off we go. SLOWLY. I had to gun it to get out of the driveway. Great. We call back out mechanic and he comes over, drives it, and pronounces a diagnosis. A new fuel filter. What are the odds that both of these things go wrong on the same day?

I feel so lucky to have such great friends in S and A. They are always willing to help us out. Thanks S for spending your day fixing our 4 Runner!

1 comment:

Courtenay Beth said...

I HEART FANCY NANCY!!! I know that's not really what your post is about, BUT the fancy nancy book sparked my interest. I have been taking my neices and nephews on dates since they were old enough to go on fun outings with they get to come when they're 2...anyway we discovered "Fancy Nancy" a little over a year ago and now the girls and I always go on 'Fancy Nancy dates'...usually it consists of them dressing themselves up in the FANCIEST princess-i-est frilliest outfit imaginable, and we paint our fingernails and toes, and I let them wear blush and lipgloss, plus they love it because I let them pick out what I will wear too...and no they do not match and yes it is embarrassing to go out in public dressed in what they pick out, but I still do it, it's a hoot. We go out to a sit down restaurant, and eat fancy things etc...then we usually end up perusing the mall looking at very girly and very fancy things.
I love being an aunt :) and we LOVE fancy Nancy!

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