Friday, March 27, 2009

foster: Rewards

Today I found out the G has been talking about me to her friends and I'm cool! G likes to imitate me. She likes what I like and doesn't like what I don't like. When I visited G's school last week she was excited to see me and gave me a big hug.

Little G gave me a kiss on the lips today. We've been blowing kisses all week and finally he landed one on me! I've had several people from their old neighborhood tell me Little G is a handful, but I've found him to be happy playful and very obedient.

I get tons of information and inquiries in the parking lot of G's school. We didn't switch G's school so a lot of people know the kids from their old neighborhood. Everyone wants to know how the kids are adjusting and who we are. I think it is very sweet. It really shows how much these children are loved wherever they go.

I thought I'd blog about some of the positives that I've experienced as a Foster Parent. Thank you for all of the inquiries and I'm so pleased with how many of you have expressed a desire to meet them! They are sweet, special children and we love having them here!



How great is that?! I'm glad to hear your hard work is paying off. The kids sound very sweet. It looks like you're doing an awesome job! :)

Meg said...

It doesn't surprise me at all that G thinks you're cool. I think you are AMAZING with her. Parenting comes so naturally to you and J - again, not a surprise to me at all. You guys are awesome.

Courtenay Beth said...

The cool thing...DUH! You are SO cool! I just know she idealizes you:) I am so happy you get to have these little ones in your home. I've said it before and I'll say it again, what lucky kids! Love you!

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