Wednesday, August 05, 2009

adventure: Timp Caves

We hiked to Timp Caves on Monday. It ... was... a blast. Wait let me catch my breath. It was harder then I remembered it being 7 years ago and 70 lbs lighter. Here are some pictures from our hike.

The caves are AWESOME and have lots of cool formations.

These were my faves. Can you see how they look like coral? The defy gravity to go every which way and I think that's cool!

Here's some tips if you want to go yourselves.

1. Go early
2. Don't being young children
3. Go early
4. Bring lots of water
5. Go early
6. Bring a light coat or sweat shirt, it's cool and damp inside the caves
7. Go early
8. Allow lots of time for the hike. We kinda scoffed at the 1.5 hours they give you to get up there. We used it.
9. Bring your camera
10. Bring a flashlight. there are lights in the cave and your guide will have a flash light. Having your own gives you a chance to explore nicks and crannies. It's way more fun.
11. Did I say go early? Be on the first hike. It's cooler and you are going to work up a sweat. Plus it's not crowded on the trail you can take your time and enjoy it.

I hope some of you go and share your pictures. I LOVED IT again!


Gifford Grams said...

I soooo want to go there next time we are in town.

Whitmer Family said...

I remember doing years ago, but I had asthma, and w/o an inhaler, it sucked! Would love to go again!

Courtenay Beth said...

SO SO FUN! I haven't been since I was like...14 I think, I remember loving it, I want to go now! Like tomorrow.

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