Wednesday, August 12, 2009

foster: Shout Out

I just wanted to give a shout out to Megan, Traci and Rachael for all their help. You probably don't think you have done a lot but these children came to us with very little. I was able to go to my basement and pick out 4 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, a set of PJ's and a blanket for each child. That, supplemented with what I was able to get before they came, makes a full week of clothes! Thank you for your donations! You 3 are AMAZING!


Meg said...

Oh my goodness - a lot has happened since we left! I can't wait to hear all about it. And I'm glad that there was something in those bags that helped!

Daniel and Tiffany Ward said...

Hey E, this is Tiffany Austin, my email is, I wanted to send you a private message but don't know how, will you email me and I will ask you something. Thanks, Tiff

Traci said...

I'm so excited you've got some children in your home! I was really sad (for you) that the others went home. I hope things settle in smoothly and quickly for you! As soon as this little guy get's growing I can pass on some boy things. Let me know. :)

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