Sunday, August 30, 2009

project: Counters Done!

Ok sooo I DID IT! I refinished my counter tops (doesn't that sound better then "I painted my counter tops"?). Over all I am REALLY pleased. I mean it couldn't be worse then this? Right?

Here's the new and improved product.

I learned a lot and if I were doing it over again I would do several things differently. Here's my story.


1 roll Painters tape
1 roll Painter's paper
5 cans Black Metallic Spray Paint
1 can Black Metallic Spray Paint
2 Gallons EnviorTex Lite (40% off 1 item at Roberts so make 2 trips)
1 Propane Torch (for bubbles in EnviorTex).

My Process

1. I spent a lot of time researching the look I wanted. I always thought I wanted absolute black granite in my kitchen so when I was looking at faux finishing my counters that is the look I gravitated towards. I practiced with a number of spray paints on old pieces of cardboard until I made a decision.

2. I found that I'd have to special order the paint I wanted so I did that 10 days in advance. (Rustoleum Black Granite)

3. I really cleaned my counters. I used TSP and a scrub brush. Did you notice how nasty they were AFTER a good, hard cleaning? I took the time to fix some problems and Oh BOY am I glad I did. I had some large chips missing that that I filled in with drywall compound, and multiple cracks I caulked. Make sure you follow manufactures dry times.

4. Tape Tape Tape. Tape everything. If you use spray paint tape off your floors, your cabinets, your back splash, your entries into the room. I failed to do that last part and I found dust particles in the basement. EVERYTHING in my house needed a good cleaning. Do a good job taping because the EnviroTex is an oooie gooie mess and will seep through everything. Notice how I taped off the sink using a black garbage bag. I should have taken a picture before I started painting. =)

5. I painted 2 base coats of Rustoleum's Black Metallic paint. It's sparkles and is so pretty. I let my counters dry over night. I mentioned I would do some things over. I would have primed the counters with dark primer so I could use less spray paint. Not only would that have been cheaper it would have saved my finger a lot of pain.

6. Next spray lightly the Black Granite Stone paint. I held it up about 12 inches and just did little spurts. I only used half a can on my 15 linear feet of counters. (that was one expensive half can see here.) I let that dry for 4 hours.

7. My downfall, EnviroTex. It's a good product I am just inexperienced and impatient. I followed instructions and mixed well then I poured liberally onto my counters. Again following instructions I smoothed it out and let it self level. It works GREAT on flat surfaces. Unfortunately, I have a "back splash" built into my counters. Getting the EnviroTex to cover my back splash and my edges was not easy. A lot of it ended up on the floor and I had to use LOTS of rubbing alcohol and a dish scraper to get it up.

Also I didn't have enough EnviroTex and had to run to the store at the last minute. Not fun and my counter by the fridge is not pretty. (I'll sand and redo it later, much later.) I didn't use a knife to remove some tape and.... Notice the white spot on the counter.

8. As it's setting up make sure you use the torch to get out bubbles. NEVER leave the torch in one place for long. I'll get little "pot holes" or divots in you finish. So just keep it moving and on low flame.

Over all I'm pleased. and I would recommend you do it if you dislike your counters. The final total... $200. $130 of that is EnviroTex (3 gallons, including the one I'll use to fix my screw ups) and $35 is my 6 cans of special order paint (of which I only used 1/2 can).
Lean From My Mistakes
1. Make sure you have enough EnviroTex. Get 1 gallon more than you think you’ll use. ( you can always return it)
2. Take the tape off as soon as it gels enough to stop dripping.
3.Use a square painter’s sponge on the back splash. I didn’t and I wish I had.
4.Tape Tape Tape Tape. Tape off EVERYTHING well.

5.Wear rubber gloves and have a back up pair, or 2, if you have to take them off before you’re done (you know, bathroom, kids, going to the store for EnviroTex).
6.We used a Sheet on our floor. It has always been our drop cloth. Use something heavier. The EnvrioTex seeped right through it and attached to our floor.

7.Have Lots of rubbing alcohol available for drips on floors cabinets or sinks.

8.If you have a bathroom vanity, practice there first. I wish I had.
Good Luck and contact me if you have any questions!



Wow! I can't believe you really did it... I'm impressed!! It looks great in the pictures and the only "problem area" I noticed was the white spot that you pointed out. I had never heard of painting or "refinishing" your countertops until I read it on your blog. Very cool.

Meg said...

It looks SO GOOD! I can't wait to see it in person - I'm sure it looks even better!

Gifford Grams said...

Erica, you are amazing! It looks great and what fun to know you did it yourself.

Alyssa, Stephen, and McKinley said...

I love it! I can't wait to see it in person! And I can't wait to do it to mine. :)

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